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Fink文档翻译:Fink 0.35.1安装,Fink 0.35.1 Installation

这是以源代码方式安装fink-0.35.1 的过程指示,适用于OS X v.10.6 和之后版本的系统。

这篇文档不适用于“ 二进制 ”版本。



1 快速安装指南

1.1 前提要求

1.2 第一次快速安装

1 快速安装指南



1.1 前提要求


  • •.一个安装好了的苹果(Mac OS X)系统,版本号为10.6 或更高。

  • •.开发工具。对于10.6,你应当安装X代码(Xcode)3.2.6 或4.2,这个东西可以在 上注册之后下载。对于10.7 和10.8,要想使用当前的大部分构建程序,就必需安装X代码命令行工具集(Xcode Command Line Tools)。这个东西,有两种方法来安装:直接从 下载;或者在X代码中,在Preferences 窗口的Downloads 标签页的Components 页面中安装。在10.7 系统中,你可以安装一个较早版本的完整的X代码(4.2.1和更早版本),但是不建议这么做。


  • •.在10.7 和10.8 系统中,你需要安装Java。在终端(中输入


    应该就能够让系统(10.7)自动为你下载它。或者就打开一个浏览器,下载最新版的Java JDK (10.8)。

  • •.其它狠多由苹果系统的开发工具自带的东西。其中包括perl 和curl。

  • •.互联网访问。所有的源代码都是从镜像站点下载的。

  • •.耐心。编译多个大软件包时狠费时间。在这里我指的是几个小时甚至是几天的时间。

1.2 第一次快速安装

首先,将fink-0.35.1.tar.gz 文件复制到你的家目录中(如果你是用Safari 下载的,那么它可能会变成 fink-0.35.1.tar)。然后,打开终端,按照下面的说明来操作。以下内容中,电脑的输出内容以普通字体(normal face)来表示,你的输入内容以加粗字体( bold face )(或者是高亮)来表示。终端中的输入提示符可能会与这里的不一样。另外,输出内容中的某些部分会被省略(...)。

注意:在10.8 中,当你开始了安装过程之后,你可能会看到一些对话框弹出,询问你是否要安装Xquartz。如果你想要安装的话,就安装。不需要为此而中断Fink 的安装过程。

[frodo:~] testuser% tar xf fink-0.35.1.tar.gz

[frodo:~] testuser% cd fink-0.35.1

[frodo:~/fink-0.35.1] testuser% ./bootstrap

Fink must be installed and run with superuser (root) privileges


Choose a method: [1] 1

sudo /Users/testuser/fink-0.35.1/bootstrap .sudo '/sw'

Password: ( 在此处输入你的普通密码 )


OK, I'll ask you some questions and update the configuration file in


In what additional directory should Fink look for downloaded tarballs? [] ( 按回车键 )

Which directory should Fink use to build packages? (If you don't know what this

means, it is safe to leave it at its default.) [] ( 按回车键 )

"Fink can set the UID and GID of its build user dynamically...

...Allow Fink to set the UID GID dynamically? [Y] ( 按回车键 )

(1) Quiet (do not show download statistics)

(2) Low (do not show tarballs being expanded)

(3) Medium (will show almost everything)

(4) High (will show everything)

How verbose should Fink be? [2] ( 按回车键 )

Proxy/Firewall settings

Enter the URL of the HTTP proxy to use, or 'none' for no proxy. The URL

should start with http:// and may contain username, password or port

specifications. [none] ( 按回车键 )

Enter the URL of the proxy to use for FTP, or 'none' for no proxy. The URL

should start with http:// and may contain username, password or port

specifications. [none] ( 按回车键 )

Use passive mode FTP transfers (to get through a firewall)? [Y/n] ( 按回车键 )

Enter the maximum number of simultaneous build jobs.


Maximum number of simultaneous build jobs: [<cpu线程个数>] ( 按回车键 )

Mirror selection

Choose a continent:




Writing updated configuration to '/sw/etc/fink.conf'...

Bootstrapping a base system via /sw/bootstrap.


(去打个酱油吧,等着Fink 下载及编译一些基础软件包)


You should now have a working Fink installation in '/sw'.

[frodo:~/fink-0.35.1] testuser% cd

[frodo:~] testuser% rm -r fink-0.35.1

[frodo:~] testuser% /sw/bin/

最后的那条命令,执行了一个小脚本,用于设置你的Unix 路径(及其它东西),以让Fink 正常工作。大多数情况下,它会自动工作,并且提醒你授予权限来进入一些改变。如果这个脚本执行失败了,那么你就需要手动做这些事了。

当你设置好了路径之后,打开一个新的终端窗口,然后关掉所有其它的终端窗口。好了,现在你已经安装好了一个基本的Fink 系统了。


[frodo:~] testuser% fink selfupdate-rsync

Password: ( 在此处输入你的普通密码 )

Please note: the simple command 'fink selfupdate' should be used for routine

updating; you only need to use a command like 'fink selfupdate-cvs' or 'fink

selfupdate --method=rsync' if you are changing your update method.




[frodo:~] testuser% fink selfupdate-cvs

Password: ( 在此处输入你的普通密码 )

Please note: the simple command 'fink selfupdate' should be used for routine

updating; you only need to use a command like 'fink selfupdate-cvs' or 'fink

selfupdate --method=rsync' if you are changing your update method.

fink is setting your default update method to cvs

Fink has the capability to run the CVS commands as a normal user. That has some

advantages - it uses that user's CVS settings files and allows the package

descriptions to be edited and updated without becoming root. Please specify the

user login name that should be used: [<your username>] ( 按回车键 )

For Fink developers only: Enter your SourceForge login name to set up full CVS

access. Other users, just press return to set up anonymous read-only access.

[anonymous] ( 按回车键 )

Checking to see if we can use hard links to merge the existing tree. Please

ignore errors on the next few lines.

Now logging into the CVS server. When CVS asks you for a password, just press

return (i.e. the password is empty).

/usr/bin/su hansen -c 'cvs -d"" login'

Logging in to

CVS password: ( 按回车键 )

Logging in to




如果你在使用X代码4.3 或更新的版本,那么你还需要运行

sudo xcodebuild -license


现在你可以使用fink 命令来安装软件包了,比如:

[frodo:~] testuser% fink install gimp2


Scanning package description files..........

Information about 6230 packages read in 1 seconds.

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The


(1) db51-aes: Berkeley DB embedded database - crypto

(2) db51: Berkeley DB embedded database - non crypto

Pick one: [1]

The following package will be installed or updated:


The following 308 additional packages will be installed:

aalib aalib-bin aalib-shlibs asciidoc atk1 atk1-shlibs autoconf2.6

automake1.11 automake1.11-core blt-dev blt-shlibs boost1.46.1.cmake

boost1.46.1.cmake-shlibs cairo cairo-shlibs celt-dev celt-shlibs cmake

cpan-meta-pm5124 cpan-meta-requirements-pm5124 cpan-meta-yaml-pm

cyrus-sasl2-dev cyrus-sasl2-shlibs daemonic db51-aes db51-aes-shlibs db53-aes

db53-aes-shlibs dbus dbus-glib1.2-dev dbus-glib1.2-shlibs dbus1.3-dev

dbus1.3-shlibs dirac-dev dirac-shlibs docbook-bundle docbook-dsssl-ldp

docbook-dsssl-nwalsh docbook-dtd docbook-xsl doxygen expat1 expat1-shlibs

exporter-pm extutils-cbuilder-pm extutils-command-pm extutils-install-pm

extutils-makemaker-pm extutils-makemaker-pm5124 extutils-manifest-pm

file-copy-recursive-pm file-temp-pm5124 fink-package-precedence flag-sort

fltk-x11 fltk-x11-shlibs fontconfig-config fontconfig2-dev fontconfig2-shlibs

freeglut freeglut-shlibs freetype219 freetype219-shlibs gawk gconf2-dev

gconf2-shlibs gd2 gd2-bin gd2-shlibs gdbm3 gdbm3-shlibs getoptbin

gettext-tools ghostscript ghostscript-fonts giflib giflib-bin giflib-shlibs

gimp2-shlibs glib2-dev glib2-shlibs glitz glitz-shlibs gmp5 gmp5-shlibs

gnome-doc-utils gnutls-2.12 gnutls-2.12-shlibs graphviz graphviz-shlibs grep

gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk+2-shlibs gtk-doc gtkglext1 gtkglext1-shlibs gts75

gts75-shlibs guile18 guile18-dev guile18-libs guile18-shlibs ilmbase

ilmbase-shlibs intltool40 iso-codes jack-dev jack-shlibs json-pp-pm lame-dev

lame-shlibs lcms lcms-shlibs libavcodec52-shlibs libavformat52-shlibs

libavutil50-shlibs libbabl0.1.0-dev libbabl0.1.0-shlibs libbonobo2

libbonobo2-dev libbonobo2-shlibs libcelt0.2-dev libcelt0.2-shlibs libcroco3

libcroco3-shlibs libdatrie1 libdatrie1-shlibs libexif12 libexif12-shlibs

libflac8 libflac8-dev libgcrypt libgcrypt-shlibs libgegl0.1.0-dev

libgegl0.1.0-shlibs libgettext3-dev libgettext3-shlibs libgettextpo2-dev

libgettextpo2-shlibs libglade2 libglade2-shlibs libgmpxx5-shlibs libgpg-error

libgpg-error-shlibs libgsf1.114-dev libgsf1.114-shlibs libgsm1-dev

libgsm1-shlibs libhogweed-shlibs libidl2 libidl2-shlibs libidn libidn-shlibs

libjasper.1 libjasper.1-shlibs libjpeg libjpeg-bin libjpeg-shlibs libjpeg8

libjpeg8-shlibs liblzma5 liblzma5-shlibs libming1-dev libming1-shlibs libmng2

libmng2-shlibs libncursesw5 libncursesw5-shlibs libogg libogg-shlibs

liboil-0.3 liboil-0.3-shlibs libopencore-amr0 libopencore-amr0-shlibs

libopenexr6-shlibs libopenjpeg libopenjpeg-shlibs libopenraw1-dev

libopenraw1-shlibs libpaper1-dev libpaper1-shlibs libpcre1 libpcre1-shlibs

libpng14 libpng14-shlibs libpng15 libpng15-shlibs libpng3 libpng3-shlibs

librarian.08-shlibs librsvg2 librsvg2-shlibs libschroedinger

libschroedinger-shlibs libsigsegv2 libsigsegv2-shlibs libsndfile1-dev

libsndfile1-shlibs libsoup2.4.1-ssl libsoup2.4.1-ssl-shlibs libspeex1

libspeex1-shlibs libspiro0 libspiro0-shlibs libtasn1-3 libtasn1-3-shlibs

libthai libthai-dev libthai-shlibs libtheora0 libtheora0-shlibs

libtheoradec1-shlibs libtheoraenc1-shlibs libtiff libtiff-bin libtiff-shlibs

libtool2 libtool2-shlibs libvorbis0 libvorbis0-shlibs libvpx libwmf

libwmf-shlibs libx264-115-dev libx264-115-shlibs libxml2 libxml2-bin

libxml2-py27 libxml2-shlibs libxslt libxslt-bin libxslt-shlibs lua51 lua51-dev

lua51-shlibs lynx m4 nasm netpbm10 netpbm10-shlibs nettle4a nettle4a-shlibs

ocaml openexr openexr-dev openjade openldap24-dev openldap24-shlibs opensp-bin

opensp5-dev opensp5-shlibs openssl100-dev openssl100-shlibs orbit2 orbit2-dev

orbit2-shlibs pango1-xft2-ft219 pango1-xft2-ft219-dev pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs

parse-cpan-meta-pm passwd-core passwd-messagebus pixman pixman-shlibs

pkgconfig poppler-data poppler4 poppler4-glib poppler4-glib-shlibs

poppler4-shlibs popt popt-shlibs python27 python27-shlibs rarian rarian-compat

readline5 readline5-shlibs readline6 readline6-shlibs sdl sdl-shlibs

sgml-entities-iso8879 shared-mime-info sqlite3-dev sqlite3-shlibs swig

system-openssl-dev tcltk tcltk-dev tcltk-shlibs test-harness-pm5124

test-simple-pm5124 texi2html texinfo version-pm5124

version-requirements-pm5124 xdg-base xft2-dev xft2-shlibs xinitrc

xml-parser-pm5124 xmlto xvidcore xvidcore-shlibs xz yasm

The following 2 packages might be temporarily removed:

lcms tcltk-dev

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]




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